Sunday, June 05, 2005

Prairie Grass

I've never been terribly fond of mowing the lawn. Sometimes I find it tolerable, but those occasions are certainly in the minority. It probably has something to do with the fact that you can't mow in the rain, when it's nice and cool, but you must mow when the grass is dry, which means heat and dust. As a result of this unfortunate situation, my grass only gets cut three or four times a year. Since I live in Utah, this becomes easier because I don't water it very often, under the thinly veiled excuse of water conservation. It's a good system, and has worked well for me.

Unfortunately, this spring in Utah was particularly wet. Even after the snows ceased, the rain continued to pour down with such frequency that long time locals (I'm including myself in this group since I've spent over 25 years living in Utah) are hard pressed to remember a wetter season. So, my lawn grew and grew, and the verdant grass waxed. It began to look like a prairie in the wind, in fact. About a week before I grudgingly hauled out the antiquated mower and took the first slash at it, the lawn was impressively tall, indeed. This picture doesn't show quite how tall it is, but you get the impression, and a nice shot of Bree.

1 comment:

Harles said...

AUUGGGHHHH!!!!! You said the M word!