Thursday, September 28, 2006

Elimination of Repetition

It is well known to those who baby-sit Bree that she's got her favorite movies and likes to watch them while she eats. While this ritual is soothing and enjoyable to her, it must be said that watching "Jonah: A Veggie Tales Movie" every day for months on end is intensely irritating to me. Fortunately an epiphany occurred, and with a little help from a DVD-Rom drive and some airline headphones, lunchtime is nice, even for me, now. Only time will tell whether the songs that have been painfully burned into my cranial cavities will ever heal, but at least now I have a fighting chance of recapturing a few of those cerebral convolutions hijacked then hidden in the belly of a whale.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Return of the Kokanee

Well, I was right when I said we went a week too early. Yesterday we went back up to the East Fork of the Little Bear River and the Kokanee were fully red and running. It was Teisha's first excursion since her equestrian accident and she did great; the hills were steep but she navigated them expertly (Teisha is a great photographer whose shots have shown up in this blog several times - look in the archives to see some of her work). I'll try to get back up there before my birthday for some better pictures, since the light was fading by the time we got there yesterday. As expected and hoped, Bree loved the "fishies."

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Finally Worn Down

Over the weekend Jan changed Bree's bed over to the "big girl" style (took off the front bars of her convertible crib). She loved it and didn't shown any sleeping problems after the adjustment. Well, today was an exception. She went down for her nap at around 12:30p.m., and was quiet for about 20 minutes. Then she started knocking on her door. Upon opening it the reason was quite obvious. So, I put her down again after changing her dirty diaper, but she just didn't go to sleep. I had the monitor on, and she didn't cry, she just played, talked and tore her room apart in jocund jubilee. At 2:15 she started complaining in earnest, and I let her out, feeling frustrated at her lack of nap but, having been a child myself, I knew it was less than helpful to try to force a nap. So, we played for a while, and at 3 I gave her a banana to snack on while watching Animal Planet, while I hopped on the computer. at 3:15, having noticed the lack of singing/talking, I turned around to see the back of a little Bree head hanging sideways over the side of her highchair. I couldn't resist a snapshot to document the moment.