Thursday, September 28, 2006

Elimination of Repetition

It is well known to those who baby-sit Bree that she's got her favorite movies and likes to watch them while she eats. While this ritual is soothing and enjoyable to her, it must be said that watching "Jonah: A Veggie Tales Movie" every day for months on end is intensely irritating to me. Fortunately an epiphany occurred, and with a little help from a DVD-Rom drive and some airline headphones, lunchtime is nice, even for me, now. Only time will tell whether the songs that have been painfully burned into my cranial cavities will ever heal, but at least now I have a fighting chance of recapturing a few of those cerebral convolutions hijacked then hidden in the belly of a whale.


BillyCheese said...

Good idea!!! I seems like most kids have amnesia to what the show is about. All they seem know is that they want to watch the show. I have had a hard enough time watching a Veggies Tell show once. You have my sympothy on having to watch it for a long period of time. I always just say to myself, the kid is happy, and repeat.

Milumbar said...

That is painful to even think about, I am glad you found a way around it.

Anonymous said...

Who would have known that those overalls would look so cute 30 years later?

Anonymous said...

Just so you Danny, I have not seen that "wonderful" film for months and I still remember many a line and song! I have even found myself humming them every so often. Beware!