Thursday, July 06, 2006

Independence Day

SPOILER: The picture immediately below is a photograph of our destination.

These pictures are from the Limber Pine Trail.

For this year's July 4th celebration, we thought we'd enjoy one of Logan Canyon's splendid (but easy) hikes.

This is the way life was meant to be.

One of the most important ways that I feel the greatness of this country is the freedom I feel when I'm outside of cube-land.

Bree's been hiking before, and she loves it. She's learning, however, that it's more fun to be moving about than it is to be posing for a picture, so if we want her to stay still, the environs must not be dull

Here's the little trekker, enjoying being free of the child carrier. She's like her dad and loves to stop and look at bugs.

And here she is taking a much needed break.

That big old knot makes a great seat. Pulcheria is the perfect adornment.

Bree liked it too, of course, once she saw mommy climbing around on it.

The trek out was a bit speedy, because of the thunder. I was disappointed we didn't get a little rained on, but it was probably better this way. After all, it could have ended up like our last trip to Zion.

1 comment:

BillyCheese said...

Bree has defintely grown up a bunch from a year ago. I am sure you are absoutely loving it.