Monday, November 27, 2006

Taking it Easy

Just a quick update for those of you who, like me, need a frequent fix of Beemer to keep you going. A couple days ago Bree seemed to be strangely low-energy. We thought she might be getting sick - if so, it has yet to show. After we had satisfied ourselves that she seemed to be perfectly fine, we just let her go about her daily business. Just watching TV sitting upright was not doing it for her, so she disappeared for a few seconds then returned with her pink pillow and Nemo blanket, snuggled down and enjoyed the Doodle-Bops in comfort.


BillyCheese said...

Wow! That is unusual. It must be a strong sign that winter has finally arrived. Maybe it is like a bear hibernating for the winter.

Emily said...

What a cutie! Sophie spent a lot of time on the couch today - sometimes they just need to hang. I love it when they know and just do it!