Monday, April 16, 2007

The Bound Pilgrim

the sky seems full of falcons
they soar and dive, drive heavenward
check, swerve round, stoop, hurtle to earth
thunder whispers through their feathers
yearning bursts my heart
my feet cling to the soil
my talons refuse to release
watching them, I await my turn
my soul has wings but cannot rise



WildBound said...

Hhhmm...I suppose flying to St. Louis isn't quite what you had in mind....or is it?

Ahenobarbus Textor said...

Actually, SLU is everything I wanted it to be. And more. Professor Madden (the reason I chose SLU) was personable, down to earth, and supportive. The campus is beautiful. The library is amazing. The city is vibrant. My spirits are high. Besides, I posted this before I even left Utah.

If you look at the date that this piece was written, it should make a little more sense. The end of the month of January is the period in which I was finishing up my applications, and was full of anxiety. I was actually depressed at the thought of all my labor and hope withering before they bore any fruit. I know what I think the poem is about. What does it mean to you?