Friday, February 15, 2008

Nomen Ultimum

It turns out that, after I told Beemer her "very own baby sister's" name, she had two comments – one about the first name and one about the middle:

a) Bruno? Like the doggie in Cinderella?

b) Borga? Like the Proletariat and the Bourgeoisie? We're Bourgeois, right Daddy?

Not wishing to encourage too much Marxist/Disney indoctrination (at least not before she is able to explain how both Marx and Rand are opposite sides of the same-exact-erroneous coin), Pulcheria and I now have an official name, and it’s too late to change because the paperwork has already been submitted. This time it’s for real – the post below was merely a joke, and I got some great reactions to it, too!

The name of Beemer’s “very own baby sister” is officially: Adriana Zoe. Pulcheria and I are still working out whether to nick-name her Adri (Aid – ree) or Adria. Beemer, however, has it all figured out: “I’ll call her Anna Montana.”

Grandma, who graciously flew in to supplement my efforts, agrees that she's beautiful, and loves the name (it's Adria, BTW).


WildBound said...

So cute! And are you guys comin gout here to bless her? if so, what day? Wildman's brother is blessing their little girl on March 9 at 9am. So cool that The Mom could fly out to help you guys. I'm sure she's loving it!

Amanda Miller said...

Congratulations! She's beautiful and you look great! Let us know when a good time to visit is. We can't wait to meet your little one and see the rest of you. Love you all!

sonex761 said...

Congratulations on the addition to the family.

Sayyadina said...

Congrats! Beautiful baby and beautiful mother! Kiss them both for us. Pretty name, too.

Desertbound said...

Yea! Beauty surrounds you, my friend. Get used to it. Even revel in it if you want to.

Unknown said...

Wow, that's so cool! I'm glad everything went well. Good name choice.

Muad'Dib said...

Ha! You had us going with that first name. hehe. So cute!

TheRock said...

If yer going with Adriana Zoe, does that mean she is the A to Z of your existence? The all encompassing culmination of your efforts, your Alpha and Omega so to speak?
she is a cutie btw!