Saturday, May 17, 2008

Ode on January

the month freezes streets
harnesses arctic winds
the person warms hearts, heats my bed’s covers
looks wonderful

the month is harbinger of deep dark nights
the person’s brilliance illuminates desire

the month fights survivors
fosters brittle frigidity
the person encourages life
causes to thrive

the month drags-on
all that grows is frigid
the person changes always
increases in beauty, strength, wisdom

the month is on every calendar
printed paper
gone with turn of the page
the person dwells with me and mine
with my soul

the month sucks happiness like a dementor
the person nourishes joy –
alma sponsa, alma mater

Thank you for nine wonderful years, Pulcheria.


Pulcheria said...

I love you too!

WildBound said...

we love jan, too!

CowboyBob said...

Thank you, both, for sharing your beauty with us.

Sayyadina said...


Desertbound said...

Sigh...Love is in the air.

Anonymous said...

She is a wonderful lady! I miss her greatly, along with the rest of you too. Congratulations on nine years that is fantastic.