Tuesday, November 13, 2007

How to Waterproof a Thumb-Drive

Here's my one-hour Saturday afternoon (while Bree napped) project. Yes, this was work avoidance, inspired by Z.1) acquire a (cheap) USB flash-drive

2) carefully extract the innards
3) apply thin layer of waterproof (i.e., non-permeable) epoxy, taking special care to coat the four terminals going into the metal sheath, NB do not epoxy more than a mm. or two onto the metal sheath [no pics here - sorry, my hands were full]
4) wait 20-30 minutes, then apply second layer [again, no pics] 5) (OPTIONAL, BUT RECOMMENDED) wait another 20-30 minutes, then superglue a key-ring (or other such attaching device) and ID-tag6) Final coat over electronics, ID-tag and ring (if you waste too much, like me, this should finish up your syringe of epoxy)
7) Let cure for at least 24 hours before complete submersion

8) Enjoy. If it gets accidentally washed, or soaked in soda, it should still work for you.


Harles said...

Wow..... I'm speechless.....

Bethany said...

Impressive. Just this week my boss put his thumb drive through the washing machine. If only...

Pulcheria said...

It was very cool to watch the process in person!

Canyonsrcool said...

Wow, look pretty intense. Kinda like camping . . .

Desertbound said...

Too late to save Rock's flash drive... it met an untimely demise in Scout's load of laundry. The idea, however, is certainly feesible. I am sure there are hundreds of dead drives out there due to a submersion problem.

Wildman said...

What the hell?

I thought you were studying ancient literature and AD Crusades.

I do like the idea though.

CowboyBob said...

You obviously are hiding some of your talents. I am impressed by your choosing the third option, as would have I many times.

Unknown said...

hi,its very informative,encrypted flash drive,thanks